First off, I want to apologize for posting nothing in so long. In my defense, I'm back at school wrestling derivatives, grappling existentialism, brawling with the Spanish past participle, battling dual federalism vs. confederal federalism, and tackling Bizet's Carmen. And, I'm sick.
You see, for me sickness comes in a few key stages. Like with most situations, my first reaction is denial.
"It's just allergies! I'm not sure which one, but it is!" |
I'm at first convinced my sneezing is allergies, even if it isn't allergy season. Or convinced my stomach ache is imaginary, even if I'm grabbing my stomach in pain. Or convinced my cough is all the dust in the air, even if I cleaned the house yesterday.
This period can last an embarrassingly long time.
At some point though, when it seems I'm reaching the depths of my misery, I'm forced to admit I'm sick.
This brings us to the stage I like to call Sick and Desperate.
Sick and Desperate
At this stage, I've already admitted I'm sick. I'm carrying around a tissue box like it's the latest and greatest accessory that I simply can't put down. I carry throat lozenges in my pocket like spare change.
It's at this point that a desperate need kicks in to be surrounded by people. I think this was a clever ploy created by the germs, a need to be social right when you're most infectious. I start trying to get people to hug me, and try doing things with friends, not wanting to be left alone in my pathetic contagious state. They just want to escape whatever super-germ has possessed me.
There is a state after this, and it is even worse. I call it the Uhhhhgggmgmhhm State.
The Uhhhhgggmgmhhm State
This is the stage where I stop caring about things like appearance. It's where I don't even care anymore what day it is or that I don't recognize myself in the mirror. I just want the sickness to go away. Usually I'm curled up in the corner somewhere, muttering something like 'uhhhhgggmgmhhm' every few minutes.
At this point I usually don't believe there is such a thing as healthy anymore.
That's kind of where I am now. I have the back-to-school plague, the common cold made deadly through the cesspool we call the student body. Usually my colds only last like three days, one day for each stage, and then they're gone. However, during the school year I can't afford to miss my AP or college credit courses, so I'm at school getting reintroduced to germs on a daily basis.
If I do not start coughing up blood, or losing limbs to leprosy, I hope to blog more often in the future.