Everything I've wondered, pondered, considered, deliberated, contemplated, speculated, mused over, puzzled at, and thought about. Everything But Math that is.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Exact Recipe For Disaster

Now most of you probably don't know, but for someone to follow through with a really bad idea, you need a few key conditions. One of which is of course, time to follow through with whatever stupid idea that pops into your head. Another is no one around to stop you..... But there's an addendum to that one.

I call it: the Occupancy-Stupidity Curve. The Occupancy-Stupidity Curve merely illustrates that the more people you get in a room, the more likely a majority of them are to egg a member on to do something really stupid. Large bodies of people come up with great ideas, but they also latch on to utterly moronic ones.

So you need time and no one around to stop you (taking the Occupancy-Stupidity Curve into account), but my many experiences with bad ideas has also taught me you need one more thing: A Tool of Destruction.

Usually duct tape or glue or sharpies or an electric shaver or scissors, a Tool of Destruction is anything that can cause long term damage.
Which for some of us is just ourselves.

Next, you need a certain mindset, a delicate mix  that I can only really illustrate with a visual aid:

As the person who as a child cut her own bangs right before Picture Day (I'll tell that story later), set the oven on fire baking cookies, and spilled black cherry soda on the white couch within a week of its purchase, I can personally certify my Recipe for Disaster is entirely fact and statistic-based. 
Sort of.

1 comment:

  1. Chucklechucklesnort ? Ha! I'm laughing out loud.
