Everything I've wondered, pondered, considered, deliberated, contemplated, speculated, mused over, puzzled at, and thought about. Everything But Math that is.

About Me!

That's me. The human one. That isn't wielding a handsome toothbrush

My favorite animal: elephant.

My favorite sinusoidal graph: cosine.

My favorite 'a' word: abscond (though 'abhor' was a close runner-up).

My favorite hour: 3 AM.

Things I Always Have In Abundance: socks and questions!

That isn't a lot of information about me, so here's what I usually look like:




Not me

Yeah. That's all I really have to say about me. I write, I doodle, I draw, I cook, I work very very hard, I oscillate between extreme focus and absolutely none.


  1. I like your favorite animal, but what happened to the hedgehog? :P

  2. :P
    The hedgehog is more my favorite pet now I guess. It was my favorite animal for a while, and then I saw a picture of an orphaned baby elephant in a custom-made raincoat, and hedgehogs just can't quite compete with that.
