Everything I've wondered, pondered, considered, deliberated, contemplated, speculated, mused over, puzzled at, and thought about. Everything But Math that is.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Do You Know Which Snowman Your Children Are Bringing To Life?

Frosty the Snowman is an adorable tale, yes, but what if it hadn't been Frosty but Steven the Angry? First off I find it amazing that children who see a snowman come to life didn't immediately start screaming, secondly, there is no special part of the magic hat that wards off bad influence snowmen. And that is what this informative post is about today.

Parents everywhere would love to wrap their children in bubble-wrap
to keep them safe, but 99.375% have not considered the dangerous implications of a magical snowman from the Wrong Crowd.

Maybe said snowman teaches your children bad words, or lures them into a life of drugs or dangerous activity. Maybe you look outside, see your kids playing with a magically-brought-to-life snowman and can't hear him saying, "Yo kids, late starts are laaaame! Why don't you just skip for today? Any of your parents got any alcohol lying around?"

Beware the influences your children could receive from putting a magical hat on the wrong snowman.


  1. How invigorating.
    I miss having an easy math class with you!

  2. :P Me too! Math class was so awesome last year! Your doodles of turtles were so cute!

    :( I wish we had math together this year.
